Associazione Italiana Turismo Responsabile (Responsible Tourism Italian Association) (AITR). It promotes, qualifies and protects cultural contents and the resulting practical actions linked to the “responsible tourism” expression. |
Fondazione Matera-Basilicata 2019. It is responsible for carrying out the intervention lines provided in the future European capital of culture. The cultural program expects the citizen involvement through co-creation actions. |
Scuola del viaggio (Travelling School). It is a project to promote the territories through reading and artistic techniques; it invites to reflect on the art of travelling, to experience journeys in geographical and mind places, through the five senses and the pages of books. |
Epoché. It is a team of journalists, fotoreporters and videomakers. It performs editorial counselling, press office, institutional relations and it is committed in the cultural planning even with international participated projects. |
Tou.Play. This association proposes an alternative way for cultural fruition, adding the ludic component in its activities. It considers tourism a game and entertaining experience; it uses the territory in an unusual way compared to the typical cultural itineraries involving various age groups. |
Teatro PAT (Puppets and Actors Theatre). Through the figure theatre language it brings on scene important themes like the environment, recycling, respect for the others, apart from tempting the young public to read, write and be creative. |
APS Giallo Sassi. It is Association whose main objective is to make its territory known, lived and loved by the generations that will inherit it, so that they can allow it to sprout their own project of life. |
Fatti d’arte. (Art facts). This theatre company has carried out several theatre productions and boasts of prestigious co-operations with many and important national and Apulian realities. With ‘A mid-summer night dream’ it has taken part to the prestigious National Festival ‘Startup Festival’ in Taranto.
Tertiam Viaggi. It is an agency which proposes a different way of living your journey, through the desire of discovering a new place, knowing other cultures, or simply evading the everyday. It promotes original solutions, fascinating places and dream destinations. |
Città Fertile. It is a cultural association which supports democratic participating ways and the transparency of the public politics in the urban transformation, using participated community methodologies. |
Landing on South Italy. It promotes the flight, the air, nature and the southern excellences. Its team takes tourists towards the discovery of the real and authentic soul made in South, rich of food and wine excellences, handcraft and historical and cultural sites. |
Diòtima. It is a communication company where methodologies converge to achieve the most suitable disclosure for the customer specific needs, and it is able to offer complete solutions for advertising, multimedia and publishing with Altrimedia Edizioni, the official brand of its pubblications. |